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when confronted with angus stewart’s blunt question “do you see yourselves as jehovah god’s spokespeople on earth?” the answer that came from jackson’s lips was astounding.. “that i think would seem to be quite presumptuous to say that we are the only spokesperson that god is using.
the scriptures clearly show that someone can act in harmony with god’s spirit in giving comfort and help in the congregations, but if i could just clarify a little, going back to matthew 24, clearly, jesus said that in the last days ‐ and jehovah’s witnesses believe these are the last days ‐ there would be a slave, a group of persons who would have responsibility to care for the spiritual food.
so inthat respect, we view ourselves as trying to fulfill that role.”.
I think he was just giving the answer that would give himself and the GB the least problems. What he really believes, like the truth, is of no concern to these guys. Theocratic warfare as they say. Or in English, blatant liars!
whilst i have never quite understood whether petra and atlantis are one or multiple entities i recognise the value of their work and web of contacts.
i think it is fair to say that no-one has consistently contributed more solid gold intelligence to this site.
no one has reliably passed on more bomb shells and solid news as well as day to day minutiae.
Simon seems to be unusually quiet on this very important topic.
George i remember the title..circuit servants wives.
but then i left 40+ years ago.. any recollections of those females that led such an unnatural existence?.
those that i recall seemed such aloof creatures..
I think the only CO & wife that I really liked were John & Jean Flack. Many of the older ones here in the UK will probably remember them. They stayed with us once about 40 years ago. They were a young couple, probably about 10 years older than my wife and I so they are now well into their 80's.
As soon as the meeting finished they were always keen to get home and change into their jeans and get in front of the TV. I could smell the Chanel No. 5 drifting around the house for a week after they left!
we had a letter read in our cong.
last week that said the public wt and awake would be delayed during the beginning of 2021. meaning we would just use the 2020 version into 2021 and there would be no new ones at the beginning of 2021 until an undetermined time sometime during the 1st half of 2021. at least that is the gist that i remember.
it was in what atlantis provided but there was no further detail....very brief.. any more intel or speculation on this?
Only the 2021 printed Public magazines are being delayed, no doubt due to lock down at Bethels until February at the earliest.
The digital versions are still being published and if by "2021 weekly study content" you mean the Christian Life and Ministry then the combined Jan/Feb is available on line.
political ad:.
Well, well well. I'd bet that was not sanctioned by the WTS....
Could the WTS actually object? If you give something to a person, in this case a copy of the RNWT, it becomes their property, you cannot control what they subsequently do with it.
Of all the translations to pick though....
back in the first century we read that the apostles would "lay their hands" on someone and the holy spirit would be imparted to that one.
appointments of older men were made in this way - at that time.
in modern times the wts has claimed that their own elders ,min.
Watchtower 1992 1/02 p13
However they soon reverted to perpetrating the myth that each appointment is the result of direct action by the Holy Spirit....Why?
Similar to the WT, this quote from 2009:-
To this day, responsible men are selected to serve as overseers in the congregation. The elders carefully consider the Scriptural qualifications required of such overseers, and they pray for the guidance of holy spirit. The congregation thus views such men as appointed by holy spirit. Bearing Witness (2009) p19 par22.
I'm sure this is still the current view and of course the GB is "neither inspired nor infallible" and the Baptismal question was revised recently to remove inspired from "God's Inspired Organisation".
There are too many examples, as shown here, of bad decisions and appointments being made.
stude 138 this week is about jesus ruling; seen standing in heaven, sitting at the right hand, standing up for his people, sitting down again for judgement, riding ---but the portion, what he is actually biblical doing right now, col. 1:13 was never read or discussed.
even the whole section of the book's article was not read!.
next month jws are covering the land with their kingdom of 1914 and soon panda paradise saga, but will deaden into silence the ~ 2000 year old real possible kingdom of --- love.. was the whole chapter 138 read in your zoom room?
but the portion, what he is actually biblical doing right now, Col. 1:13 was never read or discussed. even the whole section of the book's article was not read!
The Congregation Bible Study was reduced in time this week to allow the 15 min item on Neutrality to replace the 5 min Local Needs item.
I would have thought that the legal part of the AGM, the part that we never see, would have to take place.
Maybe the rest of the AGM will be replaced by GB updates such as we are seeing on JW Broadcasting.
i've been waiting for someone to post this and i've haven't seen it yet, perhaps i overlooked it since i don't visit that often.. but here is the link to the discussion.
in it you will find letters and links to this new light.
whether it's true or not, please verify.. as of .
JW's can now request a "territory" to be assigned for them to work. This was announced at our field service meeting last Saturday. It followed another early morning elders ZOOM meeting with the CO. It was emphasised once again that this is the publishers own personal ministry.
So if anything should go wrong, don't call the Branch Office, it's nothing to do with them. This is YOUR own personal ministry.